Hirth Engines 源自德国的专业技术和创新,在全球范围内享有盛誉。目前,Hirth Engines为全球客户提供超过100万台发动机。Hirth Engines是二冲程推进系统的市场领导者。Hirth Engines针对无人机平台拥有30年无人机发动机生产经验,并有超过60年二冲程发动机生产经验。
Hirth Engines is acknowledged globally for unmatched engineering solutions achieved through industry-leading German expertise, technology and innovation. This powerful combination of heritage, excellence and creativity has kept Hirth at the forefront of a competitive industry and market leader for two-stroke propulsion systems.
深圳立维创展科技有限公司,授权为中国市场提供Hirth Engines产品销售与支持。